Language Opportunity Coalition

COVER 2. bill signing
Nov 22, 2017: Governor Baker signs the LOOK Act

The Language Opportunity Coalition was founded in 2014 to bring together diverse organizations in Massachusetts to increase language learning opportunities for learning English, native, heritage, and world languages, and to ensure that all learners have equal access to a high quality education and professional opportunities.


  • Led advocacy for passage of the LOOK Act of 2017 that  restored bilingual education and established the State Seal of Biliteracy in Massachusetts. 
  • Oversaw the Seal of Biliteracy Pilot Project from 2014-17 .
  • Currently oversees the the Biliteracy Pathway Certificate program to celebrate language learning in all grades and language program types. 


Founding Members

  • Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL)
  • Multi-state Association for Bilingual Education (MABE)
  • Massachusetts of Foreign Language Association (MAFLA)

Note: This website is not currently being updated (Aug 2023)